Table of Contents

 bullet   Back to Homepage
 bullet  Family History Notes, Part I
 bullet  Family History Notes, Part II
 bullet  Family History Notes, Part III
 bullet  Directory of Ancestors
 bullet   Directory of Descendants
 bullet   Midway Sunday
   Books about Us
 bullet   Family Manuscripts
 bullet  Family Photo Album
 bullet  Virtual Cemetery
 bullet  Search for family
 bullet  Family News

Books about Us

Virginia Fraser Evans, et al., Liberty County, Georgia: A Pictorial History (Statesville, NC: Brady Printing Company, 1979).

H.B. Folsom, Midway Congregational Church, A Patriotic Paradigm 1630-1752-1929 (Mt. Vernon, GA: H.B. Folsom, 1929?).

Robert Manson Myers, Ed., The Children of Pride (New York, NY: Popular Library, 1972).

Paul McIlvaine, The Dead Towns of Sunbury and Dorchester , Third Edition (Asheville, NC: Groves Printing Co., 1971 ). (Paul M. McIlvaine published the book himself: First Edition 1971, Second Edition 1975, and Third Edition 1976.)

Arthur Morrison Martin, The Flemington Martins (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company, 1970).

Arthur Morrison Martin, The Solemn League and Covenant (Address delivered by the Rev. Arthur Morrison Martin, direct descendant of the Rev. John Osgood, Midway Society Annual Meeting, Midway Church, Midway Georgia, April 30, 1967).

Josephine Bacon Martin, Low Country Heritage.

Josephine Bacon Martin, Midway-Georgia in History and Legend (Savannah, GA: Southern Publishers, 1932.) (Second printing 1936, Third Printing 1942, Fourth Printing 1947).

Burton W. Spear, Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John 1630: Volume 14, West Country Planters to New England 1620-1643 (Toledo, OH: The Mary & John Clearing House - B.W. Spear, 1990).

James Stacy, History and Published Records of the Midway Congregational Church, Liberty County, Georgia (Spartanburg, SC: The Reprint Company, 1987).

James Stacy, History of the Presbyterian Church in Georgia (Atlanta, GA: Westminster Company, 1912).    (Note: This copy has no copyright page, but I believed it was published in 1912, because that is when the Editor's Explanation was written.)

Robert Witherspoon, The Witherspoon Famly Chronicle (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company, 1967) (Reproduced from the original, 1780.)